一、数据模型与决策 (Science of Decision-making)
This course is comprised of Statistics and Operational Research. Statistics is a methodological discipline that focuses on ways to collect, compile and analyze data from which statistical deductions are often made. Operational Research is the scientific way of optimal decision making given certain objectives and conditions.
The purpose of this course is to provide practical solutions in Statistics and Operational Research in business management while setting up a solid foundation for the students in their further statistical analysis. This course also hopes to help them with data processing and provide them with an oppor tunity of unique and logical mental training as Statistics and Operational Research teaching is origi
nally intended.
1. Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, Statistics For Business And Economics, WEST (影印版)。
2. Anderson, Sweeney and Williams,《数据模型与决策》(11th edition),机械工业出版社,2003。
二、管理经济学 (Managerial Economics)
Managerial economics is supposed to teach you how to deal with the nature of the firm, it is a theory indicating how firms behave and what their goals are. Managerial economics arises by integrating principles and concepts from economics, decision sciences and statistics. It draws on economic analysis for such concepts as cost, demand, profit, competition, pricing, entry strategy, and market protection strategy. It also draws heavily on the decision sciences and provides a link between economic analysis and the day to day decisions managers face. It offers powerful tools and approaches for managerial policymaking.
But managerial economics is quite different from microeconomics. Whereas microeconomics is largely descriptive, managerial economics is largely prescriptive (that is, it attempts to establish rules and techniques to fulfill specified goals). It is at the heart of the study of business administration. The principles of managerial economics play an important role in reducing waste and efficiently allocating resources in nonbusiness organizations as well as in firms.
1. W.Bruce Allen等著,管理经济学,毛蕴诗主译,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2009年12月
2. 公司经济学 毛蕴诗主编 东北财经大学出版社
3. W.Bruce Allen, Neil Doherty, Keith Weigelt, Edwin Mansfield, 2005, Managerial Economics: Theory,Applications, and Cases (6th ed.), W. W. Norton & Company.
4. Greene, W. H., 2003, Econometric Analysis (5th ed.), Prentice Hall.
5. Maddala, G. S., 1977, Econometrics, McGraw-Hill.Mas Colell, A., M. Whinston, and J. Green, 1995, Microeconomic Theory, Oxford University
三、财务会计 (Financial Accounting)
Financial accounting is to provide a basic understanding of published financial statements to a wide range of decision makers on how such statements may be analyzed in order to draw inferences about the financial performance, position and viability of business entities. This course emphasizes on accounting theories, generally accepted accounting principles, the accounting cycle, doubleentry book keeping system, structure of financial statements, and financial statement analysis. Through studying this course, students will master some basic knowledge of the business language and their ability to critically think over problems will be improved.
课程读物:Robert N. Anthony, David F. Hawkins, Kenneth A. Merchant, Accounting: Text and Cases, 13 edition, McGraw-Hill, 2010
四、运营管理 (Operations Management)
运作管理是一门以流程为核心,综合运用各种管理技术来合理组织企业资源,通过价值转化,把输入转化为输出,实现以最快的速度 (Time) 、最低的成本 (Cost) 、最好的品质 (Quality) 、最优的服务 (Service)满足顾客需求的综合性与交叉性管理课程。本课程旨在使学生能够掌握不同情景下的企业运作管理的基本理论与方法,并能运用于实际工作中,解决运作过程的实际问题。
Operations Management is a process centered and comprehensive and cross discipline which introduceshow to utilize all kind resources and management technologies to transform input into output, and to satisfy customer with fast delivery, low cost, good quality and service. Through the studying of this course, students can obtain some useful and practical management theories and methods and can use these operations management methods in practice. This course focuses on these operations environment, such as manufacturing operations ,service opera tions and supply chain operations management, as with the development of service industry, this course will increase service operations contents, like health care service and financial operations management content.
课程推荐读物: (Recommended textbook and references)
1. Operations and supply chain management, Jacobs, Chase Auquilano, McGraw Hill, 12 th edition,2011 (textbook)
2. Service management-Operations, Strategy, and information technology, 3 rd edition, (Reference)
3. Supply chain logistics management, McGraw Hill ,2002 (Reference)
五、公司财务 (Corporate Finance)
This course mainly introduces the theories and practice of Corporate Finance. Financial managers need to grasp the practical issues, also need to work hard on financial management theories. The deep und erstanding of ideal theories could lead to fundamental concepts, which can give directions to the prac tice in a strategically advantageous position. Based on such principles, detailed theory introductions, the delicate case analysis are incorporated into our courses, so as to help students to establish a set of
scientific thinking methods of financial management issues and to lay the strong foundations for their future CFOs. The course is about the methods of scientific thinking on financial management issues as well, not only to compute and list numbers. This course comprises six main sections: Introduction, Risk and Valuation, Capital Budgeting, Financial Planning and Working Capital Management and Option and its Applications in Corporate Finance.
1. Richard A.Brealey,Stewart C.Myers, Franklin Allen.2011.Principles of Corporate Finance.Tenth Edition.New York: McGraw-Hill International Edition.
2. Stephen A.Ross,Randolph w.Westerfield,Jeffery F.Jaffe.2008.Corporate Finance.Eighth Edition.New York: McGraw-Hill International Edition.
3. 刘娥平编著.企业财务管理.2009.北京:科学出版社.
4. 刘力编著.2007.公司财务.北京:北京大学出版社.
5. 王化成主编. 2008.企业财务学(第二版).北京:中国人民大学出版社.
六、营销管理 (Marketing Management)
a) 营销管理中的主要概念如:营销环境及目标顾客分析、市场细分、目标市场选择及定位、产品生命周期等;以及营销管理的主要策略,包括产品策略、价格策略、分销渠道及整合营销传播策略
b) 通过营销管理的基本理论和具体操作技能的介绍,让学生形成正确的营销理念,提高营销决策技能;
c) 通过课堂讲授、案例讨论和实际企业参观学习培养学生的营销分析、判断和策划能力。
This course introduces the theoretical knowledge of the marketing world and its application in real-life enterprise-marketing. Students taking this course focus on the following knowledge:
a) Understand the main concepts of this course, including: marketing environment analysis, target consume group analysis, market segmentation, market position and targeting, and product life cycle; help students grasp the main strategies of marketing management, including: product strategies, pricing strategies, channel strategies,and Integrated Marketing Communications(IMC)strategies.
b) Provide an introduction to the theory and methods of marketing, develop students’ correct understanding of marketing, and improve their capability in marketing decision making.
c) Improve students’ capability of analyzing, evaluating and planning on marketing via lecture, case discussion and company visiting .
1.Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane keller, Marketing Management , 13th edition, Prentice Hall, 2009
2.Kevin Lane keller, Strategic Brand Management , 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, 2008
3. Michael R. Solomon,Consumer Behavior, 8th edition, Pearson Education, 2008M
4.Graham Hooley, John Saunders, Nigel F. Piercy, Brigitte Nicoulaud, Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 4th edition, Pearson Education, 2007
七、组织行为学 (Marketing Management)
The purpose of this course is to help you understand how people and organizations function, based on the latest social science research on work, workers, and organizations. The formation of this discipline is highly related to the development of management science. The theoretical foundation of this course includespsychology, sociology, anthropology, politics, ethics and physiology.This course will also provide a practical overview of the field of management and organ izational behavior. Course coverage will include such topics as communication, motivation, change, group dynamics, stress, negotiation, interpersonal relationships, and decision-making.
Learning this course will help the organizations to increase their performance and improve their organizational culture.
1、 Organizational Behavior Stephen P. Robbins Timothy A.Judge
2、 组织行为学 王永丽译 人民大学出版社
3、 组织行为学,斯蒂芬·罗宾斯著,中国人民大学出版社
4、 管理心理学,王重鸣著,人民教育出版社
八、管理信息系统 (Management Information System)
This course intends to let the students know more about the concepts of management information system and attain the basic knowledge of information resources management as well as its advanced technology and developing trend. Through this course, it will instruct students to make use of information technology to help the enterprises approach innovation of management, R&D and business model. Moreover, students will understand how to gain their enterprises’ strategic competitive advantage by means of information technology. Also, they will know how to organize their employees to participate in the process of enterprises’ information system planning, developing, application and maintenance. After all, this course will help the students establish a strong theoretical basis to promote their business by using information technology.The content of this course will contain information system revolution, the strategic role of information system, information system and decision making, computer and information processing, information system software, information resources management, E-commerce, knowledge management and so on.
1、 Kenneth C. Laudon. Jane P. Laudon, Management Information Systems, Pearson International Edition
2、 Stephen Haag, Management Information Systems for the Information age, China Machine Press
九、战略管理 (Strategic Management)
This course is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of strategic management principles, theories and concepts, especially in the Chinese context. During this course, the student will learn how to develop mission statements, assess both the external and internal environments to determine organizational strengths and weaknesses, craft and implement strategies. All materials are designed to provide valuable practical application of learned theories and concepts.
1. Jay Barney 、 William Hesterly 、李新春、张书军:战略管理,机械工业出版社, 2010 年 10 月第 1 版。
2. Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, and Robert E. Hoskisson, Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization (Concepts and Cases), 2007.
3. Jay Barney 、 William Hesterly, Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concept and cases.Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
十、管理沟通 (Business Communication)
Managerial communication is one of core courses in the bachelor programs of many significant Chinese and foreign business schools, and it serves as a key training session for entrepreneurs and managerial leaders. This course aims to build on the oral and written communication skills through simulations and cases in various managerial communication contexts. The notion is emphasized that both academic learning and business practices are appreciated for shaping excellent managers in our new era. Some fundamental principles and practices of effective communication are covered both at the individual level and at the organizational level.
1.Kitty O. Locker, Business and Administrative Communication, 6th edition, China Machine Press, McGraw-Hill, 2005
2.O’Rourke, J.S.,2002, Management Communication: A Case-Analysis Approach, Prentice Hall.
3.杜慕群等编著,管理沟通:中西方文化交融的视角,清华大学出版社 2009年10月出版。
4.康青编著,管理沟通,北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2006。
十一、商业伦理 (Business Ethics)
This course focuses on the ethical dimensions in the relationships among people (especially business people),business, government and society. Individual ethical decision making and moral developments are based on the ethical norms and moral philosophies. Corporate social responsibility and corporate citizenship are key words to the organizational levels.
In accordance with the stakeholder theory of the firm, this course studies the relations between business practices and their critical stakeholders as well as personal and organizational ethics. The external stakeholders include the government agencies, consumer groups and the natural environment, and the internal stakeholders include shareholders and employees.
The course provides the student with internationally-acknowledged concepts, theories, framework, and methods on coping with people-business-government society relations and applies them to the particular context of doing business in China. It aims to help develop the student’s ethical problem solving and decision making skills in dealing with social challenges for both multinational and domestic companies in China. It emphasizes that the student work smartly and creatively in balancing the firm’s and its stakeholders’ interests.
The course deploys a variety of learning techniques such as readings, lecture, case discussion, team projects, and individual case writing. It especially uses up-to-date, salient business cases in China and around the world.
1. 企业、政府与社会
2. 企业社会责任
3. Cases in Leadership, Ethics and Organizational Integrity,Lynn Sharp Paine著,东北财经大学出版社
4. BUSINESS ETHICS——Concepts and Cases,Manuel G. Velasquez 著,北京大学出版社儒家管理哲学
5. Buchholtz and Carroll. Business and Society. 7th ed. South-Western Cengage Learning. 2008.
6. Madura, J. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility. 4ed. Posts & Telecom Press, China. 2007. (Available at bookstore) (Referred to as M)
7. Steiner, G.A., and Steiner, J.F. Business, Government, and Society. 11e. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2006. (Not available at bookstores, but a few copies available at the University Library) (Referred to as SS)